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How do I align an image next to some text with Vue + Buefy

I want to put an image to the right of my text in Vue with Buefy. Here is my code so far. Could anyone help me?

      <section class="hero is-link is-fullheight-with-navbar">
    <div class="hero-body">
      <div class="container is-max-desktop">
        <div class="columns is-vcentered is-variable">
          <div class="column">
            <p class="title">
              Let your creativity go wild
            <p class="subtitle">
             Kaplash is your go-to tool to help make your coding and blocky dreams come true.


  • You just need to add an extra <div> as a wrapper for your image as the code below:

      <section class="hero is-link is-fullheight-with-navbar">
        <div class="hero-body">
          <div class="container is-max-desktop">
            <div class="columns is-vcentered is-variable">
              <div class="column">
                <p class="title">
                  Let your creativity go wild
                <p class="subtitle">
                  Kaplash is your go-to tool to help make your coding and blocky dreams come true.
              <!-- This is the div that I added -->
              <div class="column">