So I have two function with the same name but different parameter in my solidity smart contract
functionName(args1, args2)
And because of this function overloading, the ABI of the smart contract has 2 function with exactly the same name, functionName
with 1 argument and functionName
with 2 arguments
When I try to use wagmi useContractWrite to call the first function with:
const functionWrite = useContractWrite({
functionName: 'functionName',
args: [args1],
or calling second function
const functionWrite = useContractWrite({
functionName: 'functionName',
args: [args1, args2],
It seems wagmi didn't detect the function because of the duplicate name and it gave me this error:
'functionName' doesn't exist in interface for contract "{my contract address}"
Does anyone know how to use overloaded function with wagmi?
I was looking for this and just did some trial and error to figure it out. Since I got it working, I figured I would come back and give you and others an answer.
const functionWrite = useContractWrite({
functionName: 'functionName(arg1Type, arg2Type)',
args: [args1, args2],
This should pass the function signature to the underlying ethers call.