I am using lexical and want to set initial text for the editor.
For now, I am just trying to hardcode the initial text. Turns out I can't just pass a String.
It needs to be in JSON format.
Thus I am passing in the following instead.
'{"text":"sample text"}'
But it throws following error:
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'type')
What am I doing wrong?
function Placeholder() {
return <div className="editor-placeholder">Enter some rich text...</div>;
const editorConfig = {
// This is how I am trying to set initial value.
// no errors if I remove this. I need this cos I need to set initial value.
editorState: '{"text":"sample text"}',
// other params
export default function Editor() {
return (
<LexicalComposer initialConfig={editorConfig}>
<div className="editor-container">
<ToolbarPlugin />
<div className="editor-inner">
contentEditable={<ContentEditable className="editor-input" />}
placeholder={<Placeholder />}
{/* other login components */}
I had the same problem. Apparently editorState can be set to a function:
const editorConfig = {
editorState: () => {
const root = $getRoot();
const p = $createParagraphNode();
p.append($createTextNode("preloaded node"));
I found this solution in Lexical Playground sources: https://github.com/facebook/lexical/blob/main/packages/lexical-playground/src/App.tsx
Here is a simplified example: https://codesandbox.io/s/lexical-plain-playground-72pwge?file=/src/Editor.js:683-960