I have this code in ImageMagick, it works except for changing the font. I tried all kinds of options, I don't understand what I could do to change the font to the font I want.
Besides that, how can I give opacity to ``-undercolor "#E70E0E"```?
magick convert 13.jpg -fill white -undercolor "#E70E0E" -gravity Center -font "Comic Sans MS" -pointsize "75" -annotate +0+5 "Title-text" -gravity Center -pointsize "25" -font "Calibri Light" -annotate +0+100 "SubTitle-Text" -crop 1920x1080+0+0 -scale 1920x1080+0+0 picture.jpg
thank you so much
Possibly missing dashes in the font names (Calibri-Light
You can list the fonts known to IM using magick identify -list font