I create a Servicebus-Namespace using AzureNative on Pulumi:
public void CreateNamespace(string namespaceName, SkuName skuname, SkuTier tier)
var namespace = new Namespace(namespaceName, new NamespaceArgs
Location = _resourceGroup.Location,
NamespaceName = namespaceName,
ResourceGroupName = _resourceGroup.Name,
Sku = new Pulumi.AzureNative.ServiceBus.Inputs.SBSkuArgs
Name = skuname,
Tier = tier
The Servicebus Namespace is created correctly. After creating the Servicebus-Namespace I need to retrieve the ConnectionString for this resource. Either for the automatically created RootManageSharedAccessKey
or alternatively by creating a specific additional policy for that task.
Within the Azure Portal I can retrieve the Key by navigating through
Settings/Shared access policies/Policy/
and copying the Primary access key from there.
I did not find any property or function within the AzureNative.ServiceBus - Namespace that seem to lead to that key. Any way to retrieve that property?
I solved it by creating a new NamespaceRule and return ListNamespaceKeys-Properties:
var namespaceRule = new NamespaceAuthorizationRule(rulename, new NamespaceAuthorizationRuleArgs
AuthorizationRuleName = rulename,
NamespaceName = namespace.Name,
ResourceGroupName = _resourceGroup.Name,
Rights = new[]
var nameSpaceKeys = Output
.Tuple(namespace.Name, namespaceRule.Name)
.Apply(t => ListNamespaceKeys.InvokeAsync(new ListNamespaceKeysArgs
NamespaceName = t.Item1,
AuthorizationRuleName = t.Item2,
ResourceGroupName = _resourceGroup.GetResourceName()
Now NamespaceKeys contains all the required Properties like PrimaryConnectionString