Taking this simple sample SQL:
WITH my_data as
(SELECT 'XX_abc_123' label from DUAL UNION ALL
SELECT 'XX_SWU_541324_FFF' from DUAL)
SELECT label from MY_DATA;
Is there a way to write a Regular Expression in Notepad++ to make all text lower case, but to not change the case of any text between the '' marks, resulting in this:
with my_data as
(select 'XX_abc_123' label from dual union all
select 'XX_SWU_541324_FFF' from dual)
select label from my_data;
I have tried this:
But that makes everything lowercase:
with my_data as
(select 'xx_abc_123' label from dual union all
select 'xx_swu_541324_fff' from dual)
select label from my_data;
You can use
Find What: '[^']*'|([A-Z])
Replace With: (?1\L$1:$0)
Make sure you select Regular expression and Match Case.
- matches '
, zero or more chars other than '
and then a '
- or([A-Z])
- capture into Group 1 an ASCII uppercase letter.The (?1\L$1:$0)
means that the replacement is a lowercased Group 1 value if Group 1 matched, else, the replacement is the whole match.
See the demo screenshot: