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Passing a parameter to onClick function NextJS

I'm currently using the package react-simple-star-rating with this example. But here's my problem :

My trains parameter contain a variable id I'd like to pass to the handleRating function using onClick but I can't figure it how.

const handleRating = (rate) => {

const trainingLine = (trains) => (
    <Rating onClick={handleRating} ratingValue={Math.round(trains.rate.reduce((partialSum, a) => partialSum + a, 0)/trains.rate.length)}/>

Do you have an idea to achieve that ?


  • Okay I found the solution well I think I missed something but in order to pass rating and variables to the handleRating function, I just need to to do this :

    const handleRating = (rating, id) => {
        // Do something
    <Rating onClick={(rating) => handleRating(rating, trains._id)} ratingValue={Math.round(trains.rate.reduce((partialSum, a) => partialSum + a, 0)/trains.rate.length)}/>

    Lot of struggle for something pretty understandable, I need some more practice ! Thank you guys for your answers.