I have a templates files (.docx) in a Bucket S3. These files contains text and variables that will be replaced with some content. This replacement will be do with Docx4J. Once it is replaced, I have to upload these files to S3 again.
When I get the file from s3 I use:
byte[] doc = s3Client.downloadFile(s3TemplateFolder, "example-template-en.docx", bucket);
For replace the variables in the file I use Docx4J:
InputStream targetStream = ByteSource.wrap(doc).openStream();
HashMap mappings = new HashMap();
WordprocessingMLPackage wordMLPackage = Docx4J.load(targetStream);
mappings.put("Download_date", "asd!");
The problem is when I have to upload the updated file to s3 again. S3client only support File type. I don't know how should I do for convert WordprocessingMLPackage to a File again.
If you can think of another way to do this, you are welcome :)
Thank you so much.
Not an expert on docx4j but you do have the save method on the WordprocessingMLPackage
class that allows you to save to a file.
The OpcPackage
is a parent class of WordprocessingMLPackage so you should be able to call the save method that saves to a file.
public void save(File file) throws Docx4JException
Convenience method to save a WordprocessingMLPackage or PresentationMLPackage to a File. If the file ends with .xml, use Flat OPC XML format; otherwise zip it up.
Throws: Docx4JException
You could use this to save the file and then upload it to S3.
You could also save the file to a byteArray using this method.
public void save(OutputStream outStream) throws Docx4JException
Save this pkg to an OutputStream in the usual zipped up format (Docx4J.FLAG_SAVE_ZIP_FILE)
Throws: Docx4JException Since: 3.1.0
And then use the contents of the OutputStream to save to S3.