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Is there an API to retrieve ERC-721 listings/bids from different marketplaces?

I am trying to get listings and/or the latest bids for the same ERC721 token from different marketplaces (such as Opensea or Looksrare). I know that those platforms have their own APIs but none are commercially available.

Any of the following solutions will be enough to fix the problem

  • retrieving the listing details since I know the collection address and the contract addresses of those marketplaces (either using Etherscan or any other commercially available API)
  • retrieving the latest/highest bid for that token associated with marketplaces (either using Etherscan or any other commercially available API)


  • This is an excellent question. The market is completely fragmented and for one to retrieve all the available pricing/listings/orders it needs a lot of legwork and connection to various APIs.

    There are a few teams working on a common pricing API that can aggregate the pricing of an asset across exchanges and on multiple chains but none of them is public yet. One of that I know and I'm a beta user of is:

    I also believe that has a similar endpoint but only for the marketplaces that are built using their own API.