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Cypress - Add a text to input area using lorem-ipsum

I am adding a random text to input using lorem-ipsum in cypress. Does anyone know how to handle this in cypress?

I am using following method and going to call addComment() method in the test

import { loremIpsum } from "lorem-ipsum";
addcomment() {

    count: 1, // Number of "words", "sentences", or "paragraphs"
    format: "plain", // "plain" or "html"
    paragraphLowerBound: 3, // Min. number of sentences per paragraph.
    paragraphUpperBound: 7, // Max. number of sentences per paragarph.
    random: Math.random, // A PRNG function
    sentenceLowerBound: 5, // Min. number of words per sentence.
    sentenceUpperBound: 15, // Max. number of words per sentence.
    suffix: "\n", // Line ending, defaults to "\n" or "\r\n" (win32)
    units: "sentences", // paragraph(s), "sentence(s)", or "word(s)"

  cy.get('.input > textarea').loremIpsum()


  • Install the plugin

    npm i lorem-ipsum

    Then use the above code mentioned by Alapan Das.

    My code

    import {LoremIpsum} from 'lorem-ipsum'
    addcomment2() {
    const lorem = new LoremIpsum({
        sentencesPerParagraph: {
          max: 8,
          min: 4
        wordsPerSentence: {
          max: 16,
          min: 4
     let txtComment = lorem.generateSentences(3);
    cy.get(".input > textarea").type(txtComment);
