I'm writing a Flex app on top of a Java web application using BlazeDS. BlazeDS has logging inside of it, but I want to set it up to Use the same logging framework I have in my application.
Is there a way to setup BlazeDS to use Log4J? Or am I stuck with the Flex logging stuff that's already baked into BlazeDS?
No, out of box BlazeDS does not support log4j or other frameworks directly.
However, it's really simple to add support for your favourite logging framework; I used the following to get the output into SLF4J:
package example;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import flex.messaging.log.AbstractTarget;
import flex.messaging.log.LogEvent;
public class Slf4jTarget extends AbstractTarget {
// log4j levels: OFF - FATAL - ERROR - WARN - INFO - DEBUG - TRACE - ALL
// blazeds levels: NONE - FATAL - ERROR - WARN - INFO - DEBUG - ALL
public void logEvent(LogEvent event) {
Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(event.logger.getCategory());
if (event.level >= LogEvent.ERROR)
log.error(event.message, event.throwable);
else if (event.level >= LogEvent.WARN)
log.warn(event.message, event.throwable);
else if (event.level >= LogEvent.INFO)
log.info(event.message, event.throwable);
else if (event.level >= LogEvent.DEBUG)
log.debug(event.message, event.throwable);
log.trace(event.message, event.throwable);
.. and to use it, enable it in services-config.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<target class="example.Slf4jTarget" level="Info">