I'm trying to create multiple PDF file using pdfkit, I have an array of users and I create a report for each one, the createTable()
Function below returns a Buffer
that I send to archiver to zip, once complete the zip file is sent for download to the front end.
My issue is that for some reason, Archiver will sometimes throw a QUEUECLOSED
error, if I run the function too many time, sometimes I can run it 10 times and the 11th time I'll get an error and sometimes I get an error after the second time, each time i run it the data is the same and nothing else changed.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
users.forEach(async (worker, index) => {
createTable(date, worker.associateName, action, worker.email, worker.id, excahngeRate).then(resp => {
archive.append(resp, { name: worker.associateName + '.pdf' })
if (index === users.length - 1 === true) {//make sure its the last item in array
}).catch(err => {
You finalize too soon. The createTable for the last user might not be the last to finish. You should add all to archive and once everything is done, finalize it.
// Use map to get an array of promises
const promises = users.map(async (worker, index) => {
return createTable(date, worker.associateName, action, worker.email, worker.id, excahngeRate).then(resp => {
archive.append(resp, { name: worker.associateName + '.pdf' })
}).catch(err => {
// Wait for all promises to finish.
In your current code, you could console.log just before your IF statement, and log the index of the completed createTable, you'll see they do not finish in order.