I have a Jquery website that pulls and displays a specific value from an XML source that is structured like so
<alert type="FIRE" status="CLEAR" id="xxxxxx" client_id="xxxxxx" grouping="xxxxxx">
<alert_location name="xxxxxx"/>
<template name="FIRE_CLEAR"/>
<alert type="LIGHTNING" status="CLEAR" id="xxxxxx" client_id="xxxxxx" grouping="xxxxxx">
<alert_location name="xxxxxx"/>
<template name="LIGHTNING_CLEAR"/>
it collects the Lightning template name value being "LIGHTNING_CLEAR" in jquery by using:
var lightXML = $(xml).find('template').eq(1).attr("name");
This works fine until the xml provider removes the fire alerts for winter and then i have to edit the code every 6 months to use
var lightXML = $(xml).find('template').eq(0).attr("name");
I have searched for some answers without luck but is it possible to use find to ensure it always pulls the attribute value from the alert where type="LIGHTNING"?
You can use an attribute selector to find the template
by the name
var lightXML = $(xml).find('template[name="LIGHTNING_CLEAR"]').attr("name");
The same using an interpolated variable:
var templateName = 'FIRE_CLEAR'; // or 'LIGHTNING_CLEAR'
var lightXML = $(xml).find(`template[name="${templateName}"]`).attr("name");