Let's assume we have a large array of objects, ordered by a specific field range_id:
const points = [
now I would like to do the equivalent of
points.filter(pt => pr.range_id=1);
But since the array is supposed to be large, I want to use a function that is aware that the array is sorted by range_id which acts like an index.
In SQL, there would be an index on range_id.
In C++20, we could use ranges::equal_range()
How can it be done in Javascript ?
If the data is sorted you can do a binary search which runs in O(log(N))
make two searches, one to find the start of the range, one to find the end.
// supposed to find the index of the first element that matches the predicate.
// expects that ALL elements after that also match!
function binarySearch(array, predicate) {
let lo = 0, hi = array.length;
while (lo < hi) {
const mid = (lo + hi) >> 1;
if (predicate(array[mid], mid, array)) {
hi = mid;
} else {
lo = mid + 1;
return lo;
// generate some data
var data = [...Array(10).keys()]
.flatMap(id => Array(Math.floor(Math.random() * 5 + 1)).fill(id))
.map((range_id, index) => ({ range_id, index }));
const search = 4;
// find the start of the range
const start = binarySearch(data, item => item.range_id >= search);
// find the end of the range
const end = binarySearch(data, item => item.range_id > search);