I'm trying to upload file with form data. So I append image data to formdata object. But I keep getting error: The laptop image field is required.
(Spelling of 'laptop_image' is correct).
I also had to append some other data and they worked just fine
const fileInput = document.getElementById('laptop_image');
async function handleFormSubmit(event) {
const form = document.querySelector('form');
const url = form.action;
try {
const formData = new FormData(form);
formData.append('laptop_image', fileInput.files[0]);
const responseData = await postFormDataAsJson({ url, formData});
console.log({ responseData });
} catch (error) {
//also console.log(fileInput.files[0]); logs an image object
form.addEventListener("submit", handleFormSubmit);
What am I doing wrong? :/
You haven't provided postFormDataAsJson
, but we can make some assumptions about what it does.
You can't easily serialise a FormData object to JSON. JSON.stringify
will convert it to an empty object.
const fd = new FormData();
fd.append("key", "value");
const json = JSON.stringify(fd);
console.log(`JSON: ${json}`);
While there are ways to loop through the data in a FormData object to produce JSON from it:
Generally, if you want to upload files + other data, you need to send multipart form data. The Ajax APIs built into browsers will serialise FormData objects to that format automatically.
fetch(url, { method: "POST", body: fd });
Of course, you need to send data in a format that the HTTP server is expecting (and we don't know anything about the one you are posting the data to).