I've created an agent parameter which saves travel time of lorries in my model. I would get these values (one for each lorries agent) in a Excel file. How can I do? I've uploaded a pic in which you can see on the right the focused parameter of which get value for each agent.
First of all, it is better to define these types of data as variables, not parameters.
If you want to write the values of tempo_viaggio
at the end of the simulation into an Excel file, do the following:
Drag and drop ExcelFile object, link it to the file that you would like to write to:
You need to define a variable to keep the travel times information in the Main agent. As an example below:
In the course of the simulation, populate the variable as following inside the Tir
At the end of the simulation, write this information into an Excel File.
for (int i=0; i<travelTime.size();i++)
Double z = ((Double) travelTime.get(i));
excelFileOutput.setCellValue(z, 1, i+2, 2); //value,sheetName or number, row, column