I'm looking to have a method return a class Job
, that has different methods based on the job type.
For example, the job type could be BackupJob
or RunCommandJob
. They don't share methods, but it's needed to get them from a single method, getJob().
Right now I have a normal class job
that has the methods return null
, without a constructor, since I construct the other classes (BackupJob or RunCommandJob for example) in the getJob()
What is the best way to get the different job classes while returning a single class?
example code below.
Job class:
public ArrayList<String> getCommands() { return null; }
public String getBackupGUID() { return null; }
public void setCommands(String... commands) { return; }
public void setBackupGUID(String backupGUID) { return; }
getJob method
public Job getJob() {
if (JobType == RunCommandsJob) return new RunCommandsJob(...);
else if (JobType == BackupJob) return new BackupJob(...);
//and so on for all the other types
Example of the RunCommandsJob class, but it's the same concept with all the different types, but with unique method names.
public ArrayList<String> getCommands() { /* method */ }
public void setCommands(String... commands) {/* method */ }
Edit: A little bit more context.
I have a scheduler class, that can contain multiple Tasks. Each Task has it's own Job, that could be different things (for example, a RunCommandsJob). Job itself isn't used, but In the other classes I extend Job so that I can return a "Job" that is in reality a "RunCommandsJob", which has logic to edit it in the database/API.
It's complicated, but that's what I have to work with.
You can define Job as an interface or abstract class. So you don't have to write default implementations and concrete classes must implement the methods.