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JavaScript classes and not storing instances in variables: Will garbage collection cause any problems with this code?

I have a page with products and a number of filter blocks to filter by size, colours, etc.

enter image description here

To keep everything simple, this is a sample of the HTML of every filter block:

<div id="divFilterSizes">

    <input id="chkFilter_2xl" type="checkbox" value="2xl">
    <label for="chkFilter_2xl">2XL</label>
    <br />
    <input id="chkFilter_3xl" type="checkbox" value="3xl">
    <label for="chkFilter_3xl">3XL</label>

    <button data-filter type="button"><span>FILTER</span></button>

For every filter, I am creating an instance of the below class. I understand everything is private and all the code is inside the class but I like to do it this way to have a state for every filter block I have on the page, like for example the currentSelection variable, I know that at any time I can get all the selected filters for a specific filter block without having to loop the checkboxes each and every time:


    class Filter


            this.#filterElement = filterElement;
            this.#currentSelection = "";
            this.#filterButton = this.#filterElement.querySelector("[data-filter]");

            this.#filterElement.querySelectorAll("input[type=checkbox]").forEach(filterItem =>
                filterItem.addEventListener("change", event => this.#OnFilterItemChange(event));                
            this.#filterButton.addEventListener("click", event => this.#Filter(event));

            if (
                this.#currentSelection += + "|";


            this.#currentSelection = this.#currentSelection.replace( + "|", "");

            alert(`You selected ${this.#currentSelection}`);



This is how I am creating the instances:

<script>new Filter(document.getElementById('divFilterSizes'));</script>

Since I am not storing the instance in a variable, will I have issues with garbage collection, such as the user clicking the "FILTER" button and nothing happens because the instance has been removed?

I did consider switching to functions to play it safe but I find the class code much more cleaner since I have 5+ filter blocks and the advantage of state is a big bonus.


  • It seems you only instantiate this class because you want to set up listeners in the constructor. For all intents and purposes, constructor is a function that operates within the context of a newly created object. While the object will not be available to you directly, the methods will still be reachable because a reference to them lives in the listeners you set up. In this case, calling new Filter(...) is an equivalent of creating a calling a function setupFilterListeners(). I don't think the object would be collected, but it doesn't matter since you won't have access to it either way. I think you should save it in a variable - just in case you need it down the line. No reason not to.