I have a column of checkboxes and when I query this column it returns TRUE/FALSE. Could I display something other than TRUE/FALSE using conditional formatting? i.e. an image of a checkmark or 'X'
An alternative idea:
Use a helper column along with an if statement to display what I'd like, and query that helper column instead. Would the character/image be processed by query?
value of the checkbox by default is TRUE/FALSE but it can be custom:
formulas are not permitted as custom ticked/unticked values:
with the conditional formatting you can only paint the background of the checkbox or the checkbox itself to a color of your wish
QUERY is not able to read images:
you can use FILTER:
to assign image you can use VLOOKUP:
=FILTER({IFNA(VLOOKUP(A15:A18, G15:H, 2, 0)), B15:B18}, A15:A18="yes")