I just finish my news site and while running in localhost of vs code, its working perfectly but on hosting in gh- page api is not working. here is the link of my repository:- https://github.com/Ankitsahu640/Express-Time-News
and here is link of hosted gh-page:- https://ankitsahu640.github.io/Express-Time-News/
I tried to replicate your code and I realized the third party api you are sending request to https://newsapi.org/v2/top-headlines?country=in&apiKey=dbddeef57b58421aafd6a26534fd9d8d
Does not allow you to send request from broswer except from localhost, thats why it works on your local machine.
Here the complete response:
status: "error",
code: "corsNotAllowed",
message: "Requests from the browser are not allowed on the Developer plan, except from localhost."