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Manage javaagent dependencies in a Java project built with Gradle

For systems that require a javaagent (say, OpenTelemetry) the docs often start with "download the agent JAR from this URL and add it to your command line". In a world where library dependencies are handled quite well using Maven Central, with stable versioning etc., the "download a JAR" approach seems primitive and insecure by comparison.

What is the best practice for acquiring javaagent libraries in a project built with Gradle? Is "download this jar" really the current state of the art?

I'm specifically interested in OpenTelemetry right now. If there's an answer (eg. a Gradle plugin) that only works for OpenTelemetry, I'm all ears.


  • From what I have done research, there is one gradle plugin available specifically for attaching a maven dependency as javaagent.

    Quoting from plugin github repository:

    This Gradle plugin tightly integrates with the Gradle application plugin to make instrumenting your application build by Gradle easy! Simply register the javaagent-application plugin and then specify the javaagent you would like to attach in the dependencies block

    Example usage with otel java agent can found in the same repository here

    plugins {
    dependencies {
      otelInstrumentation(project(":custom-instrumentation", "shadow"))
    application {
        // Define the main class for the application.
        applicationDefaultJvmArgs = listOf("-Dotel.javaagent.debug=true", "-Dotel.metrics.exporter=none")
      Currently, tasks that consume the output of the extendedAgent shadowJar task need to be made aware of
      the implicit dependency (
      due to an issue with the shadowJar plugin
    setOf(tasks.distTar, tasks.distZip).forEach {
      it.configure {