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JMeter - Summary Report not displaying correctly

I am new to JMeter so bear with me...

I have a setUp Thread Group where I am grabbing a token and then re-using that in the HTTP Header Manager within the main Thread Group. Within that Thread Group I have the following parameters set...

enter image description here

I run this command to execute the tests:

jmeter -n -t PSC_Token.jmx -l testPsc.jtl -f

When I open the testPsc.jtl file though in Summary Report, I would expect that each request would show 600 for # Samples (200 threads * 3 loop count) but it is showing 1200 for each.

enter image description here

I tried deleting the file entirely and re-running it, just in case it was appending or something strange. That doesn't resolve the issue though.

Any ideas?


  • You're writing the same data into the same file 2 times, the options are in:

    1. Disable (or better delete) the Summary Report listener, in general Listeners don't add any value, they only consume resources

    2. Or remove -l command line argument and run your test just like:

      jmeter -n -t PSC_Token.jmx

    Also be aware that according to JMeter Best Practices you should always be using the latest version of JMeter so consider upgrading to JMeter 5.5 (or whatever is the latest stable version available at JMeter Downloads page)