private FileStorageFolder GetCapsuleContentFolder(FileStorageDataContext db)
IQueryable<FileStorageFolder> source = from dbFolder in db.FileStorageFolders
where (dbFolder.ParentID == null) && (dbFolder.Purpose == reportFolderPurpose)
select dbFolder into dbFolder
join dbSubFolder in db.FileStorageFolders on dbFolder.ID equals
dbSubFolder.ParentID into dbSubFolder
where (dbSubFolder.Purpose == capsulelayoutFolderPurpose) &&
(dbSubFolder.FolderName == capsuleReportContent)
select dbSubFolder;
Instrument.Assert(source.Count<FileStorageFolder>() == 1);
return source.Single<FileStorageFolder>();
this is not correct syntax.Does anyone know how to create IQueryable typed base on this?
If it is problematic, try cranking down the "Optimisation" setting to, say, .NET 2.0. This will then be forced to display the explicit .Select(...)
etc. This should produce correct C#, but without the LINQ style.
Note, however, that it may also reverse the apparent call-order, since it will probably use explicit extension-method representation. The code should be equivalent either way, though.