In Codeigniter4 how to show the path of uploaded file from the writable/uploads folder?
The file may be an image, doc, pdf or CSV. I upload the file using the below code and store it in DB.
$file->move(WRITEPATH . 'uploads', $fileName);
all uploaded records are listed on a page and have to open the uploaded CSV/excel in a new tab from the listing page.
but I did not get the path from the writable/uploads folder to open in a new tab.
when I copy the link and open it on a tab it downloaded.
Please explain how to show the path.
Based on your clarification. I get this summary.
You want to show file binary value but instead of download you wanna show it in browser.
I have this code for you
public function showFile()
$path = WRITEPATH . 'uploads/';
$filename = 'logo-at.png';
$fullpath = $path . $filename;
$file = new \CodeIgniter\Files\File($fullpath, true);
$binary = readfile($fullpath);
return $this->response
->setHeader('Content-Type', $file->getMimeType())
->setHeader('Content-disposition', 'inline; filename="' . $file->getBasename() . '"')
The supported extension will show the file value in browser. If not, it will downloaded.
Reference in documentation: