Found a lot of information on Normalizing state in Redux, but still not clear on the flow when connecting to Backend endpoints.
If anyone is kind enough to reply to this long post, I'd really appreciate it. Please, share your knowledge or references on how to handle the async logic for normalized state.
Let's take an example of Normalized state from official documentation: (shortened version for readability)
posts : {
byId : {
"post1" : {
id : "post1",
author : "user1",
body : "......",
comments : ["comment1", "comment2"]
allIds : ["post1"]
comments : {
byId : {
"comment1" : {
id : "comment1",
author : "user2",
comment : ".....",
"comment2" : {
id : "comment2",
author : "user3",
comment : ".....",
allIds : ["comment1", "comment2", "comment3", "comment4", "comment5"]
users : {
byId : {
"user1" : {
username : "user1",
name : "User 1",
allIds : ["user1"]
Should I only fetch the needed comments using the array of IDs(post.comments) from the server when displaying specific post, in this case would I replace all comment entities with the ones I get from the server?
When is this example structure applicable? is it still considered a normalized? How would I handle async logic here?
entities: {
authors : { byId : {}, allIds : [] },
books : { byId : {}, allIds : [] },
authorBook : {
byId : {
1 : {
id : 1,
authorId : 5,
bookId : 22
2 : {
id : 2,
authorId : 5,
bookId : 15,
3 : {
id : 3,
authorId : 42,
bookId : 12
allIds : [1, 2, 3]
Useful answers on the topic: markerikson
Helpful documentation on the topic: Async logic, Normalizing state, Updating Normalized state
Hiya :) "Normalized" does not mean "I have fetched every single possible value from the server first". It just means that the entries you have fetched are being stored in that lookup table keyed by item IDs. You could fetch some posts and their comments, load them into those normalized lookup tables, fetch some more and add them, etc. (In fact, that's why Redux Toolkit's createEntityAdapter
API provides update functions to add/insert/update more items into an existing normalized lookup table.)
So, one possible usage scenario might be: