Cells showing votes, with slight view of table above
Collated scores/votes where function is used
Is there a more efficient method of entering the function shown here to assign scores for each persons choices? I have a working function but it’s labour intensive the way it’s written.
Each person votes for their top 20 with scores assigned 20-1 in descending order. The function takes these votes/scores for each person lower down and totals in the table at top of the page.
My knowledge of sheets/functions is limited to what I’ve learnt creating this, but I figure there’s a better way than what I have done, so apologies if this is a bit of a basic request.
delete everything in E3:O62 and use this in E3:
VLOOKUP(ROW(A64:A), IF(A64:A="Pos.", {ROW(A64:A), C64:C}), 2, 1),
IFERROR(21-A64:A)}, 2, 0), 0))