Hi everyone, im using ant design's cascader and it returns selected values in array structure like above.
As you can see, each value is the parent of the subsequent value. I need to convert above structure to the below structure, so i can use it in antdesign's tree component. I tried so many ways but i just couldn't do it.
You could iterate the path of titles and build an object if not exist.
data = [["zhejiang", "hangzhou2"], ["zhejiang", "hangzhou", "a", "a1"], ["jiangsu", "nanjing", "zhonghuamen"], ["zhejiang", "hangzhou", "a", "a2"], ["zhejiang", "hangzhou", "a", "a3"]],
result = data.reduce((children, path) => {
path.reduce((object, title) => {
let item = (object.children ??= []).find(q => q.title === title);
if (!item) object.children.push(item = { title, key: title });
return item;
}, { children });
return children;
}, []);
.as-console-wrapper { max-height: 100% !important; top: 0; }