I'm struggling to find an elegant and reliable way of merging two arrays in vanilla JS or d3.js, where
For example, two arrays of the form
A =
year : 2001,
gdp : 1.1,
population : 1100
year : 2002,
gdp : 1.2,
population : 1200
B =
year : 2000,
gdp : 1.0,
rainfall : 100
year : 2001,
gdp : 1.1,
rainfall : 110
would ideally combine to give
C =
year : 2000,
gdp : 1.0,
population : null,
rainfall : 10
year : 2001,
gdp : 1.1,
population : 1100,
rainfall : 110
year : 2002,
gdp : 1.2,
population : 1200,
rainfall : null
I can usually figure this kind of thing out but this one has got me really stuck!
You could build an array of all items, get the keys and build an empty object as pattern for an empty object. Then group by year
and get the values. Apply sorting if necessary.
a = [{ year: 2001, gdp: 1.1, population: 1100 }, { year: 2002, gdp: 1.2, population: 1200 }],
b = [{ year: 2000, gdp: 1.0, rainfall: 100 }, { year: 2001, gdp: 1.1, rainfall: 110 }],
items = [...a, ...b],
empty = Object.fromEntries(Object.keys(Object.assign({}, ...items)).map(k => [k, null])),
result = Object
.values(items.reduce((r, o) => {
r[o.year] ??= { ...empty };
Object.assign(r[o.year], o);
return r;
}, {}))
.sort((a, b) => a.year - b.year);
.as-console-wrapper { max-height: 100% !important; top: 0; }