I don't know how i can say "start from first space before the value" or "Closest space before the word". my code like (linux bash awk):
data= "your website is the best website"
value = "t w"
when i used this code to print the line from value to end of line:
if ( index($0, value))
print substr($0, index($0,value))
the result was:
t website
please i want to print it like:
best website
to print from the word which containt first letter?
With GNU awk, build a regex that adds "non-blanks" before and after the value
gawk 'BEGIN {
data = "your website is the best website"
value = "t w"
regex = "[^[:blank:]]+" value "[^[:blank:]]+"
if (match(data, regex, m)) {print m[0]}
best website
With any awk, use the RSTART and RLENGTH variables set by the match(str, re) function:
awk 'BEGIN {
data = "your website is the best website"
value = "t w"
regex = "[^[:blank:]]+" value "[^[:blank:]]+"
if (match(data, regex)) {print substr(data, RSTART, RLENGTH)}
Or, don't treat value
as a regex: use index()
and look backwards and forwards for spaces that delimit the words:
awk 'BEGIN {
data = "your website is the best website"
value = "t w"
start = index(data, value)
if (start > 0) {
i = start; while (i > 0 && substr(data, i, 1) != " ") {i--}
j = start + length(data); while (j < length(data) && substr(data, j, 1) != " ") {j++}
print substr(data, i+1, j-i+1)