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Click a certain button name so it triggers the WithEvents in Class Module

In the "test" worksheet, I have two ActiveX button with name btTest1 and btTest2.

In the "test" worksheet module:

Dim MyButtons As Collection

Private Sub Worksheet_Activate()
Set MyButtons = New Collection
For i = 1 To 2
    Set ButtonClass = New ClassTest
    If i = 1 Then Set ButtonClass.obj1 = ActiveSheet.btTest1
    If i = 2 Then Set ButtonClass.obj1 = ActiveSheet.btTest2
    MyButtons.Add ButtonClass
End Sub

In the ClassTest class module:

Private WithEvents bt As MSForms.CommandButton

Property Set obj1(b As MSForms.CommandButton)
Set bt = b
End Property

Private Sub bt_Click()
MsgBox bt.Caption
End Sub

After I activate the "test" sheet, then click the "TEST 1" button it shows the msgbox "TEST 1" and when I click the "TEST 2" button it shows the msgbox "TEST 2".

How to code so when "test" sheet is activated then the msgbox "TEST 1" directly shows as if there is a user literally click the "TEST 1" button?


  • You can simply add:

    Me.btTest1.Value = True

    to the end of your event code.