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Using c++, write pdf file and open it by Preview app in osx

  1. Wrote the .pdf file to the disk by using fopen and fwrite.

    FILE * fp = fopen("/Users/test/Documents/1.pdf", "w+");
    if (fp) {
        fwrite(pdf_data, size_of_pdf_data, 1, fp);
  2. And then open 1.pdf within by using applescript.

    system("osascript -e \'tell app \"Preview\" to open \"/Users/test/Documents/1.pdf\"");
  3. when the system function executes, the file permission issue occurred like the following image:

File Permission Issue

Error message

How can I fix this issue? I am using macOS Catalina 10.15.7 and xcode 11.3.1.


  • AppleScript is 100% completely the wrong tool for this job.

    Were you in ObjC you’d use NSWorkspace. Since you’re in C[++], use LaunchServices’ LSOpenFromURLSpec.