I am using Clojure, ClojureScript, shadow-cljs, Emacs, Cider, and Lein to develop a web app project.
The web application has been successfully built. I can access the interface on http://localhost:3005/
Yesterday, everything was working fine. After invoking:
cljs.user> app.components.income-balance-reports/all-account-ks
I would receive a vector returned:
Now, everything stayed the same. But, when I try to execute the same variable after build was complete, I get an error message:
cljs.user> app.components.income-balance-reports/all-account-ks
No available JS runtime.
See https://shadow-cljs.github.io/docs/UsersGuide.html#repl-troubleshootingnil
The error message is also retrieved for normal operations unrelated to my code base, such as:
cljs.user> (+ 1 2 3)
No available JS runtime.
I tried reading the link mentioned on the error message: https://shadow-cljs.github.io/docs/UsersGuide.html#repl-troubleshooting
But, I did not manage to solve the problem. Initially, I reloaded the page. It did not work out.
Also, I thought the problem could be my behavior switching browsers and killing the default tab opened by the REPL. So, I tried re-starting the REPL, replying "no" for the automatic start of localhost:3005
, manually inserted it on the browser's address bar and I only used the link only in one browser. It did not make any difference.
How to fix this? Why is this happening? Any suggestion on how to debug it?
Things are working now. I believe the problem was the wrong instance name on TFR_DEV
. This generated a partially successful build. I could see the interface, but it was not fully working.