I am trying to externalize my ignite configuration in my spring boot application so the configuration can be changed without rebuilding the jar.
Previously the file resided in src/main/resrouces and was loaded via annotations.
@ImportResource("IgniteConfig.xml") and
private IgniteConfiguration cfg;
When I moved the IgniteConfig.xml to the config folder that resides next to the excutable jar the above stopped working and I have tried the following without success:
use --spring.config.location argument. I can tell this is picked up during run time as other configurations work but the above ImportResource annotation says the file IgniteConfig.xml cannot be found.
use a relative path to (e.g. ./config.IgniteConfig.xml) to Ignition.start. I cause this relative path to print the file contents of the xml file in my logs but when I pass it to Ignition.start it says the file cannot be found. I have tried using relative and absolute paths to do this.
Manually create an ApplicationContext and get the configuration by bean name.
ApplicationContext context = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("./config/IgniteConfig.xml");
This again complains that the file does not exist even though I can see by opening the file directly:
File igniteConfigFile = new File("./config/IgniteConfig.xml");
The comment by konqi in this post answered my question:
"In case you want to import a resource that is outside the classpath the syntax would be:
@ImportResource( { "file:path/spring-context1.xml", "file:path/spring-context2.xml" } )
In my case I just needed to do:
@ImportResource( { "file:./config/IgniteConfig.xml" } )