I'm working on a piece of code to request information from an API. Throttles at 10 requests per second. My solution was to Promise.all(calculate(item1),calculate(item2)... ) and so forth for the 10 requests.
My approach was questionable to say the least, because when I have less than 10 items to check, my Promise.all is half done, and errors.
How can I populate Promise.All() to adapt to the length of the array?
I know this may sound idiotic and although my solution works, it's awful. I'm just a begginer and although I can handle some stuff, callbacks inside a Promise.all is way out of my league lol.
Thanks in advance!
async function superCalculadora(it){
let res;
if (it.length < 5) {
if (it.length == 4) {
res = await Promise.all([calculadora(it[0]),calculadora(it[1]),calculadora(it[2]),calculadora(it[3])]);
if (it.lenght == 3){
res = await Promise.all([calculadora(it[0]),calculadora(it[1]),calculadora(it[2])]);
if (it.length == 2){
res = await Promise.all([calculadora(it[0]),calculadora(it[1])]);
if (it.length == 1){
res = await calculadora(it[0]);
res = await Promise.all([calculadora(it[0]),calculadora(it[1]),calculadora(it[2]),calculadora(it[3]),calculadora(it[4])]);
You could simply use Array.map and replace all of the above code with:
async function superCalculadora(it){
const res = await Promise.all(it.map(item => calculadora(item)))