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I'm trying to abstract marshaling IntPtr to and from structs (actually class, so it's reference type) of data shared with native code.

I have this helper class:

class NativeStruct<StructType> : IDisposable
    public NativeStruct()
        _DataPtr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(StructType)));
        Marshal.PtrToStructure(_DataPtr, _Data);
    public NativeStruct(IntPtr dataPtr)
        _DataPtr = dataPtr;
        Marshal.PtrToStructure(_DataPtr, _Data);

    void IDisposable.Dispose()
        Marshal.StructureToPtr(_Data, _DataPtr, true);

    public StructType Data { get { return _Data; } }

    IntPtr _DataPtr;
    public StructType _Data;

Is there anyway to make this code implicit:

using (Shared_s data = new Toolbox.NativeStruct<DataStruct>(myIntPtr).Data)
    data.someMember = someValue;

Some way to change this to

EditStruct(DataStruct, myIntPtr)
    data.someMember = someValue;

In C++ I would have used a macro like

#define EditStruct(StructType, IntPtr) using  \
(Shared_s data = new Toolbox.NativeStruct<StructType>(IntPtr).data)


  • The closest thing you can do here is use lambda expressions:

    EditStruct<DataStruct>(myIntPtr, data =>
        data.someMember = someValue;

    Definition of EditStruct():

    void EditStruct<TStruct>(IntPtr dataPtr, Action<TStruct> action) 
         where TStruct : struct
       using (var s = new Toolbox.NativeStruct<TStruct>(dataPtr))