I am working on a spreadsheet for my fantasy football draft. Screenshot below.
I'm looking to put a formula into AA25 that finds the MINIMUM VALUE of W1:AH17 and then returns the corresponding value in Column A in the same row.
For example, in the screenshot, the minimum value in W1:AH17 would '12' (cell AH1), which would then return the value '1' (cell A1).
I currently have a successful formula in AA25...
=ArrayFormula(TEXTJOIN(", ",TRUE,IF((MIN(W22:AH22))=(W1:AH17),(A1:A17),"")))
...that returns the value I'm looking for, except it's using TEXTJOIN to do so. So when I pull that number into another sheet, it isn't being recognized as a numeric value, but instead text.
Try this
=ArrayFormula(TEXTJOIN(", ",TRUE,IF((MIN(W22:AH22))=(W1:AH17),(A1:A17),""))*1)
By using *1
or +0
we turn the text value of the number to a real number.