Hey guys so I'm having a bit of an issue with writing a pathfinding functor to go from one square to the other. I can't figure out how to tell if a square has a neighbouring square.
The maze is a 5x5 grid with black squares denoting a wall.
square([1,1], white). square([1,2], white). square([1,3], white). square([1,4], white). square([1,5], white).
square([2,1], white). square([2,2], black). square([2,3], black). square([2,4], black). square([2,5], white).
square([3,1], white). square([3,2], black). square([3,3], white). square([3,4], black). square([3,5], white).
square([4,1], white). square([4,2], black). square([4,3], white). square([4,4], white). square([4,5], white).
square([5,1], white). square([5,2], white). square([5,3], white). square([5,4], white). square([5,5], white).
So far I've tried something like this:
neighbour([X,Y],[A,B]) :-
A is X + 1,
B is Y + 1,
square([X,Y], white),
square([A,B], white).
neighbour([X,Y],[A,B]) :-
A is X - 1,
B is Y - 1,
square([X,Y], white),
square([A,B], white).
neighbour([X,Y],[A,B]) :-
A is X + 1,
B is Y - 1,
square([X,Y], white),
square([A,B], white).
neighbour([X,Y],[A,B]) :-
A is X - 1,
B is Y + 1,
square([X,Y], white),
square([A,B], white).
neighbour([X,Y],[A,B]) :-
square([X,Y], white),
square([A,B], white),
A is X + 1;
square([X,Y], white),
square([A,B], white),
B is Y + 1.
neighbour([X,Y],[A,B]) :-
square([X,Y], white),
square([A,B], white),
A is X - 1;
square([X,Y], white),
square([A,B], white),
B is Y + 1.
neighbour([X,Y],[A,B]) :-
square([X,Y], white),
square([A,B], white),
A is X + 1;
square([X,Y], white),
square([A,B], white),
B is Y - 1.
neighbour([X,Y],[A,B]) :-
square([X,Y], white),
square([A,B], white),
A is X - 1;
square([X,Y], white),
square([A,B], white),
B is Y - 1.
route(X, Y, [X, Y]) :- neighbour(X, Y).
route(X, Z, [X | Route]) :- neighbour(X, Y), route(Y, Z, Route).
But when I call Route with say something like: Route([3,3], [1,5], Route).
I end up with an incorrect list.
If anyone has any ideas or knows a better way of representing the likes of the maze, I'd really appreciate it!
Can express as:
square_black(X, 2) :-
between(2, 4, X).
square_black(2, 3).
square_black(2, 4).
square_black(3, 4).
square_white(X, Y) :-
between(1, 5, X),
between(1, 5, Y),
\+ square_black(X, Y).
neighbour(s(X, Y), s(X1, Y1)) :-
% Determine delta of position
member(XD, [-1, 0, 1]),
member(YD, [-1, 0, 1]),
% Prevent staying in same place
\+ (XD = 0, YD = 0),
% Calculate new position
X1 is X + XD,
Y1 is Y + YD,
% Ensure new position is valid
square_white(X1, Y1).
% The route from a place to the same place is empty
route([], X, X).
route([X|T], X, Z) :-
neighbour(X, Y),
route(T, Y, Z).
Result in swi-prolog:
?- length(R, _), route(R, s(3,3), s(1,5)).
R = [s(3,3),s(4,4),s(3,5),s(2,5)] ;
R = [s(3,3),s(4,3),s(4,4),s(3,5),s(2,5)] ;
R = [s(3,3),s(4,4),s(3,5),s(2,5),s(1,4)] ;
R = [s(3,3),s(4,4),s(4,5),s(3,5),s(2,5)] ;
R = [s(3,3),s(4,3),s(3,3),s(4,4),s(3,5),s(2,5)]