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Early stop predicate with a `true` value in Prolog

I am writing a http_server application with http_sessions in Prolog. A request is handled with a dicontiguous (multiple definitions) predicate app, which must not fail (otherwise a 500 error appears to be given to the client). I need to early-quit the predicate somehow, so that the rest is not ran, but a custom message is shown and it ends without failure:

:- discontiguous app/1.

app(Request) :-
    ensure_path(Request), !, % I want a `!` after I determined the path is valid, so no other `app` is ran

    % grab session id as `Session`
    % try to get session data, fail otherwise (I check something else in my code, but `http_session_data` should suffice for this example)
    (http_session_data(my_data(Data), Session); show_error, ...), % some syntactic magic here...
    % render something if session data has value

Here is a piece of pseudocode of a non-Prolog language (don't scold me for comparing languages of different paradigms) that I am trying to do:

function app(request) {
    if (!ensure_path(request)) ...; // try other app(request)
    let session = http_session_id();
    let data = http_session_data('my_data', session);
    if (!data) {
        return true; // this is important

I tried to use a !, fail in place of ..., but that does a failure (swipl says goal unexpectedly failed), and I need a true instead.

EDIT: there may be multiple such early-returns in the predicate, each one having own variant of show_error.


  • The point of the early-returns is to make the code not too nested, and to keep it top down, with the failure actions close to those checks, making it much more readable.

    Thanks to @TA_intern 's suggestion I decided to use two variants of that predicate(Args) on each failure point. The following code will use the ! variant, but the reader may try out the new "Picat" syntax as well.

    So here is my solution:

    1. Split the predicate into multiple ones upon such failure points.

      Given a simple example of a chain of dependent calls, each giving some result for the next bit in the chain to consume:

      predicate_with_failure_points(In1) :-
          failure_point1(In1, Out1),  % want to `show_error1` else on fail
          failure_point2(Out1, Out2), % and `show_error2` here

      The split will look like:

      predicate_with_failure_point1(In1) :-
          failure_point1(In1, Out1), !, % `!` is not strictly necessary, but it might save a lot of headaches, might be necessary when dealing with side-effects 
      predicate_with_failure_point2(In2) :-
          failure_point2(In2, Out2), !,
          success(Out2). % could split this bit here, especially if `success` is not a single line of code but quite large and would put `show_error2` too far down. let's assume this `success` is already a split off part.
    2. Give each predicate an alternative variant as a handler for that failure point.

      predicate_with_failure_point1(In1) :-
          failure_point1(In1, Out1), !,
      predicate_with_failure_point1(In1) :- % will execute if `!` was not reached
      predicate_with_failure_point2(In2) :-
          failure_point2(In2, Out2), !,
      predicate_with_failure_point2(In2) :-

    The resulting code:

    • does not proceed executing the rest of (original) code upon failure;
    • goes from top to bottom, without unnecessary nesting or flipping parts of the code;
    • puts a show_error right next to the failure point.

    The example given in the original question would then look like following:

    :- discontiguous app/1.
    app(Request) :-
        ensure_path(Request), !,
    check_session_data(Session) :-
        http_session_data(my_data(Data), Session), !,
    check_session_data(_Session) :-