I have an httppost method, this method performs the forgot password process and for this, it takes the user's mail and the newly entered password, I received them as FromBody, but while testing the postman I am getting the following error. How can I test these?
public async Task<IActionResult> forgetUserPassword([FromBody]string user_mail,string new_password)
return Ok( await _userService.ForgetPassword(user_mail, new_password));
I have another httppost method that I get with frombody but I only get one value in it and it works when I test postmande like this. However, when I do the same for the post method where I get these two strings, it gives an error.
This is how I can test the post method in the postman, where I get a single string value with frombody.
this is how i tried the code i shared above in postman.logically it should be like this
Your second post body is not valid JSON, try:
If you want to allow for multiple strings to be accepted, update your Method signature to this:
public async Task<IActionResult> forgetUserPassword([FromBody]List<string> strings)
But, I would recommend using an Object in this case, like so:
public ForgotPasswordObject
public string Email {get;set;}
public string NewPassword {get;set;}
Then your method could look like this:
public async Task<IActionResult> forgetUserPassword([FromBody]ForgotPasswordObject forgotPassword)
return Ok( await _userService.ForgetPassword(forgotPassword.Email, forgotPassword.NewPassword));
And finally, your JSON would be structured like:
"email": "myemail@whatever.com",