I have an existing interface for legacy env
export interface ITForm {
formDescription: string;
formId: string;
isForm: boolean;
include?: boolean;
Now, I need a interface for new env, which doesn't need formId/isForm/include, only formDescription is the common attribute and formDescription/type/route are mandatory fields
export interface ITFormNew {
formDescription: string;
type: string;
route: string;
May I please know is it a good practise to use two interfaces defined above or we can reuse the existing interface to cater for the new one as well? Thanks.
You can use the typescript utility type Pick
or Omit
export interface ITFormNew extends Pick<ITForm, "formDescription"> {
type: string;
route: string;
As for whether this is good practice, imho it creates a single source of truth and is more useful on more complex shared types.