I'm doing a project where I scraped the data from my country's constitution (Brazil), saved it in a pandas-like table and then converted it to csv and put it in ElasticSearch. I want to do a lookup with the value of two fixed columns (if it was sql) i.e. fields for ES.
If I were to do it in SQL, it would be:
SELECT text_field FROM constitution WHERE (field1= 'na') AND (field2= 'na')
So this search would return what I need, which is the text fields where my return is!!
How do I do this with ElasticSearch???
Without the details like index and field names I can deduce the query below:
GET constitution/_search
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [
"match": {
"field1": "na"
"match": {
"field2": "na"
I suggest you read about bool queries.