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Select a non-default sender using Excel VBA

How can I send from a secondary Outlook account using Excel VBA?

With OutMail
    .to = Text(1)
    .CC = Text(2)
    .BCC = ""
    .Subject =text(3)
    .HTMLBody = Text(10)
    .Display '.send
End With

I tried ".from".


  • The below is from a pretty all-purpose sub I use to send emails from VBA.
    It takes three parameters:

    • OutApp is an Outlook.Application object
    • SendFromAddress is a string variable containing the address to send from
    • OutMail is the current mailitem object, which you already have as a variable looking at your code.
    'Sender Address
    If Len(SendFromAddress) > 0 Then
        'if directly signed into the account:
        For a = 1 To OutApp.Session.accounts.Count
            If LCase(OutApp.Session.accounts.Item(a)) Like LCase(SendFromAddress) Then
                Outmail.sendusingaccount = OutApp.Session.accounts.Item(a)
                SendFromAddress = ""
                Exit For
            End If
        'If not directly signed in (shared mailbox):
        If Len(SendFromAddress) > 0 Then Outmail.SentOnBehalfOfName = SendFromAddress
    End If