I wrote an algorithm that is inadequate, namely because it does not handle [,abc]
cases (see the string variations and conditions below), and would like to know how it can be improved so it covers those cases:
Pattern, that describes strings variations: abc[de[f,g],hk]
, which gives
Pattern consists of "arrays", that followed by strings: abc[...]
, and strings adj,kg,q
Another possible more complex example: utvk[fvu,gn[u,k,r],nl,q[t[ij,lo[z,x]],bm]]
or abc[h\[k,b]
that gives abch,k
or abch[k
or abc[a[b,c],d]
. The order is strict from left to right, there can not be from pattern abc[d,e]
combinations eabc
or dabc
doesn't gives abcde
nor abced
string, only abcd
and abce
, but array without string is not allowed: abc[a,[d,f]]
, that gives a
and ab
My solution
function getStrings(pat) {
if(pat.indexOf('[') == -1)
return pat;
String.prototype.insert = function(index, string) {
if (index > 0) {
return this.substring(0, index) + string + this.substr(index);
return string + this;
function getArray(str, start, isSource = false) {
if (start < 0) return null;
var n = 0;
var ret = "";
var i = start;
for (; i < str.length; i++) {
if (str[i] == "[") n++;
else if (str[i] == "]") n--;
if (n == 0) break;
var ret = {
str: "",
arr: "",
end: 0,
ret.arr = str.slice(start, i) + "]";
ret.end = i;
var end = start;
for (
start > 0 &&
str[start] != "," &&
str[start] != "]" &&
str[start] != "[";
) {}
ret.str = str.slice(start, end);
return ret;
function getElement(source, start) {
var ret = [];
for (
start < source.length && source[start] != "," && source[start] != "]";
ret[ret.length] = source[start];
return ret;
var source = getArray(pat, pat.indexOf("["), true); // parsing
var ar = source.arr;
source.arrs = getArrays(source); // parsing
source.source = true;
var fi = "";
var temp_out = [];
var tol = 0;
return getVariations(source); // getting variations of parsed
function getVariations(source) {
if (source.arrs == undefined) {
} else
for (var i = 0; i < source.arrs.length; i++) {
if (source.source) fi = source.str;
if (!source.arrs[i].arrs) {
temp_out[tol] = fi + source.arrs[i].str;
} else {
var lafi = fi;
fi += source.arrs[i].str;
if(i != source.arrs.length - 1)
fi = lafi;
if (source.source && i == source.arrs.length - 1) {
var temp = temp_out;
temp_out = [];
tol = 0;
return temp;
function getArrays(source) {
var la = 1;
var start = 0;
var arrs = [];
if (!source.arr) return;
while (start != -1) {
start = source.arr.indexOf("[", la);
var qstart = source.arr.indexOf(",", la);
if(source.arr[la] == ',')
qstart = source.arr.indexOf(",", la+1);
var pu = false;
if(qstart != la && qstart != -1 && qstart < start && start != -1)
pu = true;
var str = source.arr;
var buf = [];
var i = -1;
for(i = qstart; i > 0 && str[i] != '[' && str[i] != ','; i--)
for(; i < str.length && str[i]!= ','; i++)
buf[buf.length] = str[i];
if(buf.length == 0)
la = start;
buf = buf.join('');
arrs[arrs.length] = {str:buf};
la += buf.length+1;
if (start != -1) {
arrs[arrs.length] = getArray(source.arr, start);
la = arrs[arrs.length - 1].end + 1;
} else {
start = source.arr.indexOf(",", la);
if (start != -1) {
var ret = getElement(source.arr, start);
arrs[arrs.length] = ret;
la += ret.length;
for (var i = 0; i < arrs.length; i++)
if (typeof arrs[i] != "string" && arrs[i].arr) {
arrs[i].arrs = getArrays(arrs[i]);
var st = arrs[i].arr;
if (occ(arrs[i].arr, "[") == 1 && occ(arrs[i].arr, "]") == 1) {
st = st.replaceAll("[", '["');
st = st.replaceAll("]", '"]');
st = st.replaceAll(",", '","');
st = JSON.parse(st);
for (var j = 0; j < st.length; j++) st[j] = { str: st[j] };
arrs[i].arrs = st;
} else if (typeof arrs[i] == "string") {
arrs[i] = { str: arrs[i] };
return arrs;
function RecursArrs(arrs) {
for (var i = 0; i < arrs.length; i++) {
if (!arrs[i].source)
if (arrs[i].arr) {
delete arrs[i].arr;
delete arrs[i].end;
if (!arrs[i].str) {
arrs[i] = { str: arrs[i].join("") };
arrs[i] = {str:''};
if (i && arrs[i - 1].str == arrs[i].str) {
arrs.splice(i, 1);
} else if (arrs[i].arrs) RecursArrs(arrs[i].arrs);
function occ(string, word) {
return string.split(word).length - 1;
// getStrings('IE5E[COR[R[,G[A,E,I]],S,T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z],EORRG[I,M]]')
I would use a regular expression to break up the input into tokens. In this case I chose to take pairs of (letters, delimiter), where the delimiter is one of "["
, "]"
, ","
. The letters part could be empty.
Then I would use a recursive function like you did, but I went for a recursive generator function.
Here is the suggested implementation:
function* getStrings(pattern) {
const tokens = pattern.matchAll(/([^[\],]*)([[\],])?/g);
function* dfs(recur=false) {
let expectToken = true;
while (true) {
const [, token, delim] = tokens.next().value;
if (delim === "[") {
for (const deep of dfs(true)) yield token + deep;
} else {
if (token || expectToken) yield token;
if (delim === "]" && !recur) throw "Invalid pattern: too many `]`";
if (!delim && recur) throw "Invalid pattern: missing `]`";
if (delim !== ",") return;
expectToken = delim !== "["; // After [...] we don't expect a letter
yield* dfs();
const input = 'IE5E[COR[R[,G[A,E,I]],S,T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z],EORRG[I,M]]';
for (const s of getStrings(input))
This implementation should match the patterns according to the given restrictions, but it will also allow the following:
is allowed and will produce the same output as a,b
will be interpreted as x[a,b],c
is the same as x
.There is some basic error checking: an error will be generated when the brackets are not balanced.