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Jooq: jsonb fetchInto custom type

what's the correct way to map jsonb record into custom data type? just like normal table fields.

create table t_order
    id    serial
        constraint t_order_pk
            primary key,
    key   varchar(255) not null,
    value jsonb        not null

create unique index t_order_id_uindex
    on t_order (id);

create index t_order_value_index
    on t_order using gin (value);
class Order {

  private List<OrderItem> orderItems;

  public static class OrderItem {

    private BigDecimal price;
    private BigDecimal quantity;
  void findOrderById() {
    var order =
            .fetchOptionalInto(Order.class); // OOPS!


  • If you put gson or jackson on your classpath, jOOQ's DefaultConverterProvider will automatically use those to map your JSONB content to your data, so that should be all you need to do to make this work.