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How to dynamically get value of input fields in ruby active admin form

I have this form in rails and I am using active admin form to take inputs. I want to show the state_value input or zipcode_value input only on the basis of value selected in type_dropdown.

active_admin_form_for('', :post) do |f|
      f.inputs do
        f.input :type_dropdown, as: :select, collection: %w(state zipcode), name: :type_dropdown, required: true, include_hidden: false
        f.input :state_value, name: :state_value, required: true. #I want this input field to show only if state is selected in dropdown above, otherwise I want it hidden
        f.input :zipcode_value, name: :zipcode_value, required: true
      f.actions do
        f.submit "Submit"


  • After going through a lot of answers found this solution, we have to use jquery here. We have to write our jquery code in app/admin/assets/active_admin.js.

    My jquery code in active_admin.js looks like this -

     $(document).on("change", "select.type-dropdown", function (){
         let dropdown_value = $(this).val()

    And my form now looks like this -

        active_admin_form_for('', :post) do |f|
          f.inputs do
            f.input :type_dropdown, as: :select, collection: %w(state zipcode), name: :type_dropdown, required: true, include_hidden: false, input_html: {class: "type-dropdown"}
            f.input :state_value, name: :state_value, required: true, input_html: {class: "state-value"}
            f.input :zipcode_value, name: :zipcode_value, required: true
          f.actions do
            f.submit "Submit"

    Hope this helps in how to include jquery with active admin.