Here is the task we have to resolve. Scenario : 1> Every time user opens the test, he must be asked to input date and month.
2> Those scanned inputs variables d1 and m1 called by method esi
3> id element with that month and date must be seen clicked on website in date section based on user input. The of id for all dates is something like :
Tag div , id = bkmgFlights_travelDates_1-date-2022-10-21 , in which start is always same for all dates as bkmgFlights_travelDates_1-date-2022-
So I have already done the 1> and 2> successfully, for the 3rd task, I am trying the below, but not working.
I also tried action class, concat is happening as i can see colours and no errors, but still not working. It shows invalid selector, sometimes shows differet errors with action class, when I try"//div[contains(@id,'bkmgFlights_travelDates_1-date-2022-')]"+esi.m1+"-"+esi.d1)));
Please help me with how we can locate elements based on path + concatenated string and variable and then at last performing click on it. Thank you. enter image description here
You can try this:
string locator = String.format("//div[contains(@id,'bkmgFlights_travelDates_1-date-2022-%s-%s')]", esi.m1, esi.d1);
If you want to learn more about string interpolation from here, if you wish.