I have a list element that looks as follows:
"leaf101": {
"node_id": "101",
"node_name": "leaf101",
"pod_id": "1"
"leaf102": {
"node_id": "102",
"node_name": "leaf102",
"pod_id": "1"
"spine103": {
"node_id": "103",
"node_name": "spine103",
"pod_id": "1"
I'm trying to give a list back to list them as variables in the Active choices parameter in Jenkins. My script looks as follows:
import groovy.json.JsonSlurper
def list = []
File textfile= new File("/var/lib/jenkins/test/vars/nodes.json")
JsonSlurper slurper = new JsonSlurper()
def parsedJson = slurper.parse(textfile)
parsedJson.each {
list.add (it.node_name.toString())
return list;
Which returns nothing. If I type return parsedJson
at the end I get the entire file content as one variable.
How can I only return the key values like "leaf01,leaf02..."
Thanks in advance.
parsedJson.each {
list.add (it.node_name.toString())
I think the problem with that is that it
is the outer object which contains [leaf101:[node_id:101, node_name:leaf101, pod_id:1], leaf102:[node_id:102, node_name:leaf102, pod_id:1], spine103:[node_id:103, node_name:spine103, pod_id:1]]
, so it.node_name
is not going to work. You will need to iterate a layer deeper into the model.
For example, this will yield the result you expected:
parsedJson.each { obj ->
obj.each { k, v ->
list.add v.node_name