I've found here that the default behaviour for FromXmlParser.Feature.EMPTY_ELEMENT_AS_NULL has changed from true (2.9 - 2.11) to false (2.12 onwards), so from that version no automatic coercion is done from empty elements like into null.
I was using Apache Camel 2.25 and that version had this feature enabled by default but now, with this change, is disabled in Camel 3.x. How can I enable it in back in Camel 3 using XML DSL? I know using XMLMapper is easy enough:
XmlMapper xmlMapper = new XmlMapper();
xmlMapper.configure(FromXmlParser.Feature.EMPTY_ELEMENT_AS_NULL, true);
But in Camel XML DSL the allowed enums are only the ones from SerializationFeature, DeserializationFeature and MapperFeature. I've tried with some of them but with no luck.
<jacksonxml disableFeatures="FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES"
include="NON_NULL" />
You can set a custom xmlMapper on the jacksonxml element, the attribute is called "xmlMapper" you can then reference your custom XmlMapper which should be declared as a bean, but this is important, you must include a # before the bean name or else the object mapper will not be looked up and will be set to null and a default one will be created.
public XmlMapper customXMLMapper(){
return XmlMapper.builder()
.configure(EMPTY_ELEMENT_AS_NULL, true)
<jacksonxml unmarshalTypeName="com.myclass.Result" xmlMapper="#customXMLMapper"/>