I am running a JQL query to count how many issues have an empty value for the "Components" field versus how many issues have a non empty value for the "Components" field.
Here is the screenshot that I get for my 1st JQL query: category = "Cloud Services" and component is empty
, the number of results is 6631:
Checking for null is equivalent to checling for empty, I have tried it and it returns the same.
Here is the screenshot for my 2nd JQL query: category = "Cloud Services" and component is not empty
The thing that confuses me is that I get 6631 results for my first query and I get 51372 results for my second result so 51372 +6631 = 58003
However, when I try to retrieve all the issues belonging to the Cloud Services category with this query: category = "Cloud Services"
, I get the following: I get 64879 as a result which does not match 51372 +6631 = 58003 computed above. Anyone knows why? Normally, the total number should correspond to the result of the 3rd screenshot since every issue contains components.
this only means, you have in the project more than 1 component, that is why the adds dont match.
with the REST api you can verify howmany and which components you have: