Search code examples

Trim selected range too slow - how to increase process speed

below script keep running for more then a minutes. is there any fastest way to trim selected range?

Sub Trim_Selection()

    Dim A As Range

    Set A = Selection

    For Each cell In A
    cell.value = WorksheetFunction.Trim(cell)

End Sub


  • Try use Variant array to do the transform.

    Sub Trim_Selection()
        Dim vArr As Variant
        Dim row As Long, col As Long
        Dim i As Long, j As Long
        vArr = Selection.Value
        If VarType(vArr) >= 8192 Then
            'it is array
            row = Selection.Rows.Count
            col = Selection.Columns.Count
            For i = 1 To row
                For j = 1 To col
                    vArr(i, j) = Trim(vArr(i, j))
                Next j
            Next i
            'it is single cell
            vArr = Trim(vArr)
        End If
        Selection = vArr
    End Sub